Comeniuslistaverk afhjúpað í Noregi
Hér fylgir með frétt frá samstarfsskóla Stóru-Vogaskóla - Staumen skule í Noregi. Fréttin er á ensku því hún er ætluð öllum skólunum í verkefninu The World Around Us.
This year we decided to make a friendship sculpture in all countries in our Comenius project. Our celebration happened to be on our first snow day this year.First and second grade visited the kindergarten, who were in charge of the sculpture. Solbjørg had the honour of presenting the final result to the audience. But first everybody watched photographs and a video from Pragh. Then we had a meal and tasted food from different countries. And some snacks, we must admit. We had our meal in our new grill-hut around a sparkling fire.
Finallly everybody held hands and admired our new sculpture.